1 h 19 min. 51 sec.
Dharma Talk — “The Four Seals” or “What really makes you a Buddhist”
Arne Schelling
Saggezza del Buddha

Dharma Talk — “The Four Seals” or “What really makes you a Buddhist”

Everything that is compounded is impermanent.
All emotions are pain.
Nothing has inherent existence.
Nirvana is peace.

These four axioms is what the Buddhist view is about. Having the right view is the ground of all practices. Without the view, there is no path, and hence no result. Therefore the view is the first and foremost topic we have to understand.


Arne Schelling was trained as a medical doctor but is now engaged full-time as a teacher, translator, editor, and organizer of Buddhist teachings. He participates in teacher training under the Milinda program and the Nitartha Institute. He runs a Buddhist center in Berlin and works for the project “84000” and the Khyentse Vision Project. 

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