6th anniversary day of Sogyal Rinpoche's Parinirvana
6th anniversary day of Sogyal Rinpoche's Parinirvana
Scoperta e Fondamenti

6th anniversary day of Sogyal Rinpoche's Parinirvana

August 28th 6:00 am - August 28th 6:00 pm CET

Live and free on Zoom

Open to all students and members of all sanghas.
The event is presented in English with live translation into French, German, Spanish and Italian.

The Zoom link and a detailed schedule will be posted here in due time.
If you like to participate online for more than this one day or the entire 5-day event you can register here.


According to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, each year on the anniversary of a great master's passing the students gather and practice together to honour and commemorate the master’s Dharma legacy.

28 August 2025 marks the sixth anniversary of the passing of Sogyal Rinpoche and to honour this occasion hundred’s of his students will gather at his seat and main retreat centre, Lerab Ling in France as well as online to practice together.
This is one time in the year that we can each connect with the wider Rigpa family. The practice programme that is the heart of the retreat includes a range of practices to enable everyone to participate. It’s a retreat for everyone.

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