A New Way of Seeing the World- Discovering Buddhist Wisdom Organizzato da One Rigpa - presented on Rigpa Online Courses

A New Way of Seeing the World- Discovering Buddhist Wisdom

Weekly ONLINE interactive course over 10 weeks with Dominique Side
Available on Rigpa’s Online Courses platform from 5 September until 8 November 2024

“This course provides a refreshing and stimulating approach to the Dharma. I really appreciate Dominique's clear and direct style of teaching, and her knowledge and experience of the subject really shows.” Jon

Registration for this course is open
The course will be given in French, German and in English.

All course materials and the zoom link will be made available on Rigpa Online Courses a week before the course starts.

For any inquiries about the course please use the "Contact us" button on the left or write to


The wisdom of the Buddha reveals a new way of seeing the world and ourselves in it. Buddhist teachings offer reflections that challenge our usual ways of thinking and invite us to question our values and assumptions. 

This interactive course is an exploration of the key points of Buddhist thought. We will examine these perspectives closely to see the similarities and differences between Buddhist views and contemporary ideas. We will be invited to revisit our own views and clarify for ourselves what our outlook on life actually is. This process leads to far greater confidence in the way we see things.


Dominique Side encountered Tibetan Buddhism in the mid-seventies in London—it rapidly became her life’s passion. Since then she has dedicated her life to communicating the extremely practical and at the same time deeply profound ideas  of Tibetan Buddhism to people of all walks of life.

Dominique has studied with Sogyal Rinpoche and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in particular, and has completed several strict practise retreats. She also obtained a Ph.D. in Madhyamaka philosophy from Bristol University, UK. She taught Buddhism in London schools for eight years and wrote several textbooks on the subject. Under the guidance of Dzongsar Khyentse she initiated the Milinda training programme for Dharma teachers in 2017. For five years Dominique served as vice-president of the European Buddhist Union; and she manages ‘Windows into Buddhism’, a website with educational resources for those who teach Buddhism to children.

Entrusted as a Senior Teacher in Rigpa, she specialises in making Buddhist thought and philosophy accessible to all.

Recently Dominique started writing in-depth articles from the Buddhist perspective for her blog The softer gaze, that have the power to enrich the everyday and support a softer view of life, one that is infused with the Buddha’s compassionate gaze.

She is author of Discovering Buddhism (2022) that presents the history and key ideas of all the main traditions of Buddhism in an accessible way for the general public and the education sector.

She edited two books by the Dalai Lama The Four Noble Truths (Thorsons, 1998) and Transforming the Mind (Thorsons, 1999).


This is a special, stimulating course, open to everyone, whether you're a beginner or an experienced Buddhist. 
For Rigpa students, this course is an optional module of the 'Foundations of the Path', designed for those who wish to deepen their study at the heart of the 'Buddha, Dharma and Sangha'. 


The weekly 75 min live online sessions include talks, discussions, Q&A and guided reflections. This is supported by:
- videos and written materials on the Rigpa Online Courses platform to prepare the live session
- materials used during the live session
- an online discussion forum, and
- recorded audio contemplations.

Most of the course reading will be taken from "Discovering Buddhism” by Dominique Side. We recommend purchasing this book in order to follow the course. All other above mentioned resources will be available online.

A replay of each session will be available for one week so anyone from any time zone can follow or catch up if a session is missed.


Week 1             What is wisdom?
Week 2             Mindfulness: the support of wisdom
Week 3             How things appear and how things are
Week 4             The Four Noble Truths
Week 5             Who am I ? Body and mind
Week 6          The afflictions: how do they function and how can we eliminate them?   
Week 7          Karma: what it is, how it works, can a Buddhist do without it?
Week 8          The Wheel of Life
Week 9          What does enlightenment mean?
Optional study: Deepening ‘Who we are?’  on Sunday 27th October 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00 (in all languages)
Week 10        The journey: Stages on the Buddhist path 


FRENCH language:   every week on Thursday, 19:00 - 20:15 (Paris time) on
- September 5, 12, 19, 26
- October 3, 10, 17, 24 (with optional study on Sunday 27th October 10:00-16:00)
- November 7

ENGLISH, and GERMAN: every week on Friday 19:00 - 20:15 (Paris time) on
- September 6, 13, 20, 27
- October 4, 11, 18, 25 (with optional study on Sunday 27th October 10:00-16:00)
- November 8


The course is presented on Rigpa’s Online Courses platform with registration via Prajna.

Upon registration the course will be added to your personal library on Prajna as well as to your account on Rigpa Online Courses. In order to access the course on Rigpa Online Courses you need to use your login for that platform. Note that this login is different from your Prajna login.

If you don't have an account on Rigpa Online Courses yet, we will set one up for you during registration and send you an email with login name and a temporary password which you can change later.

For any inquiries about the course on the Rigpa Online Courses platform please write to

Prajna is a non-profit organisation and your donation/contribution will help to cover the costs of the course: 
- Suggested contribution/donation:  160 €
- If you want to give more:  300 €
- If you have less means:  80 €


"Dominique's course was world class! Each session was so full of content. It really kept sparking and energising me each week: to want to read more, learn and understand more. It was just super accessible and motivating." Janet

"This course went much deeper than other public courses on Buddhism I have done. I appreciated the discipline of following a weekly session, from home.” Beatrice

“Thank you so much. So enriching and a nice first to follow such an international course, exchanging with people all over the world. And Dominique's presentations are really eye-opening. Contemplation and examination really make the difference.” Elly

“During Q&A sessions, the answers by Dominique were sometimes mind blowing, very clear. I like the way she is speaking, sometimes just cutting through our narrow thinking and often quite humorous.” Andrea

“This course is what I needed to refresh many years of study and practice. Going back to the 'basics’! Thank you Dominique and all. This is a real treasure.” Brigit

“I feel a lot of joy each evening! I am happy to have joined this course! I find it refreshing and angled in a very interesting way.  I feel a lot of gratitude to Dominique for her many years of study and practice that also give depth to her words!” Simone