6 min. 47 sec.
Cos'è la rinuncia? Parte 1
Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche
Saggezza del Buddha

Scegliere di guardare all'interno (Seguendo il viaggio del Buddha)

Now that the "Discovering Buddhsim" guide page is set up, our discovery journey continues with selected teachings that will be gradually added and aim to support a deeper exploration and understanding of the different topics.

The first selection of teachings like that inspires a reflection on the example of the Buddha and his life, and what it means to embark on a spiritual path. It also explores some of the fundamental topics of his teachings that are relevant for the entire Buddhist path, no matter whether we just discovered Buddhism or are already old hands.

Prince Siddharta, who later became Buddha Shakyamuni, faced similar challenges in his life as us. But how did he deal with these challenges and what are we doing with our lives?

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche writes in What Makes You Not a Buddhist:

"In many ways we are like Siddhartha.  We may not be princes with peacocks, but we do have careers and house cats and countless responsibilities.  We have our own palaces. And things go wrong all the time.  Appliances break, the neighbours argue, the roof leaks.  Our loved ones die…Yet we are stuck there willingly, we don’t try to escape.  Or if we get fed up and think, ‘Enough is enough,’ we may leave a relationship only to start all over again with another person.   We never grow weary of this cycle because we have hope and belief that the perfect soul mate or a flawless Shangri-la is out there waiting for us.  When faced with daily irritations, our reflex is to think we can make it right; this is all fixable, we can make it whole."

There is a handout that accompanies this selection of teachings which you can find below in the written materials section. It offers more information on the life of the Buddha and each teaching as well as a large variation of reflections as a support to explore this topic in a deeper and more personal way. Please let us know if you find this addition helpful.

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  • Vicente - 2 mesi fa
    The video gives an error, the link is not correct.
    Helen - 2 mesi fa
    Try now, it should be fixed